Routledge 2005
1. In the beginning
2. The Papal Monarchy and the invention of the Crusade.
3. The First Crusade
4. Crusade and Expansion in the early twelth century.
5. Crusade, expansion and check, 1144-92.
6. The zenith of the Crusading movement, 1192-1254.
7. Progress and miscalculation, 1254-1337.
8. Failure and fragmentation, 1337-1444.
9. Towards a New World, 1444-1714.
10. Perspectives
1.1 Three civilizations around a sea: The 'Catholic core' and its neighbours, c. 1000 AD
4.1 Three civilizations around a sea: The 'Catholic core' and its neighbours, c. 1140 AD
7.1 Three civilizations around a sea: The 'Catholic core' and its neighbours, c. 1300 AD
8.1 Three civilizations around a sea: The 'Catholic core' and its neighbours, c. 1377 AD
9.1 Three civilizations around a sea: The 'Catholic core' and its neighbours, c. 1526 AD
10.1 The European reach by the end of the 17th Century.
Frontispiece: The Edge of the World, Whiston Castle, Pembrokeshire
6.1 A trebuchet with winch and sling.
7.1 Cog with a stern rudder from the Luttrell Psalter, c. 1335-40
7.2 Part of the castle at Marienburg, Germany.
Appendix I: Chronology of events
Appendix II: Lists of rulers
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